una scena bucolica-verbis (soluzione)

Aperto da baxter, 12 Ottobre 2005, 23:00:44

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VERBIS (frase 1,4,1,1,8,2,1,2,1,4= 5,13,7)
Salito su una scala, colgo un frutto P da un albero di spadone, mentre i miei amici A lo percuotono con bastoni di legno nodosi che tengono tra le mani E.


ò pera P; i randelli àn A in E dita= OPERA PIRANDELLIANA INEDITA

P.S. Questo è il primo verbis che ripropongo dopo vari mesi di assenza dal forum..spero vi piaccia e, naturalmente, aspetto anche i vostri commenti e le vostre critiche in chiaro o in privato! :D

[move]The soul is born old, but grows young. That is the comedy of life. The body is born young and grows old. That is life's tragedy
(O. Wilde)


Un applauso al primo solutore... :wink:

paulus  :D

[move]The soul is born old, but grows young. That is the comedy of life. The body is born young and grows old. That is life's tragedy
(O. Wilde)


[move]The soul is born old, but grows young. That is the comedy of life. The body is born young and grows old. That is life's tragedy
(O. Wilde)


[move]The soul is born old, but grows young. That is the comedy of life. The body is born young and grows old. That is life's tragedy
(O. Wilde)


[move]The soul is born old, but grows young. That is the comedy of life. The body is born young and grows old. That is life's tragedy
(O. Wilde)


[move]The soul is born old, but grows young. That is the comedy of life. The body is born young and grows old. That is life's tragedy
(O. Wilde)


[move]The soul is born old, but grows young. That is the comedy of life. The body is born young and grows old. That is life's tragedy
(O. Wilde)



[move]The soul is born old, but grows young. That is the comedy of life. The body is born young and grows old. That is life's tragedy
(O. Wilde)


[move]The soul is born old, but grows young. That is the comedy of life. The body is born young and grows old. That is life's tragedy
(O. Wilde)


Ho appena inserito la PL :D
Soluzione domani verso le 21,00 :wink:

[move]The soul is born old, but grows young. That is the comedy of life. The body is born young and grows old. That is life's tragedy
(O. Wilde)


[move]The soul is born old, but grows young. That is the comedy of life. The body is born young and grows old. That is life's tragedy
(O. Wilde)


[move]The soul is born old, but grows young. That is the comedy of life. The body is born young and grows old. That is life's tragedy
(O. Wilde)


Dopo la PL, mi invia la soluzione


[move]The soul is born old, but grows young. That is the comedy of life. The body is born young and grows old. That is life's tragedy
(O. Wilde)


[move]The soul is born old, but grows young. That is the comedy of life. The body is born young and grows old. That is life's tragedy
(O. Wilde)


Ho appena inserito la soluzione :D
Un caloroso grazie a tutti i solutori!! :D

[move]The soul is born old, but grows young. That is the comedy of life. The body is born young and grows old. That is life's tragedy
(O. Wilde)