Forse già fatto.... e sicuramente svelato!

Aperto da Wiseman, 08 Settembre 2004, 16:17:27

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Non ho controllato e sarebbe strano se nessuno ci avesse già pensato....

Citazione di: "VERBIS (3 6 7 = 7 9)"

Caro Wolfgang Amadeus
ti invito questa mia per implorarti di concedermi l'onore di essere aggregato all'orchestra che si esibirà nel Regio Teatro in qualità di Primo Violino.
Contando che la nostra vecchia amicizia mi garantirà la parte, ti saluto.
Tuo Klaus Wiesegaard

Forse è una critto a frase con l'esposto un po' lungo. O magari può essere un rebus vero e proprio.....

In ogni caso, mandatemi pure in privato le soluzioni, e rigorosamente in pubblico le segnalazioni di plagio.... :wink:
You have a problem with your brain: the left part has nothing right in it, and the right one has nothing left in it.
A PC is like a Air Conditionner: when you open Windows, it's useless.


Il Langense risolve in un battibaleno e cita altri 4 rebus con stessa soluzione e diversa prima lettura.

Ma credo ne salteranno fuori altri..... :wink:
You have a problem with your brain: the left part has nothing right in it, and the right one has nothing left in it.
A PC is like a Air Conditionner: when you open Windows, it's useless.


You have a problem with your brain: the left part has nothing right in it, and the right one has nothing left in it.
A PC is like a Air Conditionner: when you open Windows, it's useless.


Dando a Cesare quel che è di Cesare, ecco gli autori dei rebus con stessa soluzione e diversa prima lettura (grazie a Luca):


Visti i nomi, mi sento in ottima compagnia!!!! :D
E il mio resta l'unico senza grafemi.... 8)
You have a problem with your brain: the left part has nothing right in it, and the right one has nothing left in it.
A PC is like a Air Conditionner: when you open Windows, it's useless.


I solutori:

I Mattoni blu
Gino Macasusso
You have a problem with your brain: the left part has nothing right in it, and the right one has nothing left in it.
A PC is like a Air Conditionner: when you open Windows, it's useless.


Anche NonnaPeppa si unisce all'allegra brigata.....
You have a problem with your brain: the left part has nothing right in it, and the right one has nothing left in it.
A PC is like a Air Conditionner: when you open Windows, it's useless.


Ecco arrivare anche ShUMANnO (che non è Liszt, ovviamente)
You have a problem with your brain: the left part has nothing right in it, and the right one has nothing left in it.
A PC is like a Air Conditionner: when you open Windows, it's useless.


Nella notte, amazing! Pasusu (che propone decine di prime letture plausibili....)
You have a problem with your brain: the left part has nothing right in it, and the right one has nothing left in it.
A PC is like a Air Conditionner: when you open Windows, it's useless.


You have a problem with your brain: the left part has nothing right in it, and the right one has nothing left in it.
A PC is like a Air Conditionner: when you open Windows, it's useless.


Angela C. "avrebbe una soluzione": quella giusta. Che poi è la stessa che danno marco e feidhelm.....
You have a problem with your brain: the left part has nothing right in it, and the right one has nothing left in it.
A PC is like a Air Conditionner: when you open Windows, it's useless.


Ed ecco arrivare la risposta esatta di chyara!
You have a problem with your brain: the left part has nothing right in it, and the right one has nothing left in it.
A PC is like a Air Conditionner: when you open Windows, it's useless.


E sulla scia di merlino, svelo la soluzione:


Un caloroso ringraziamento a tutti i solutori
E un grazie particolare a chi mi ha segnalato gli illustri precedenti!

Alla prossima!
:D  :D  :D
You have a problem with your brain: the left part has nothing right in it, and the right one has nothing left in it.
A PC is like a Air Conditionner: when you open Windows, it's useless.