Verbis autoreferenziale: SOLUZIONE

Aperto da Wiseman, 23 Settembre 2004, 10:55:27

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Propongo qui una riedizione di quello che ho buttato là in qualche modo ieri sera in chat.....

VERBIS (7 3)

Girando qua e là tra i post di AEnigmatca, ho trovato un gioco che mi sembra interessante:

Citazione di: "Wiseman"Verbis (6 2 7)
Il violinista Ughi riceve come riconoscimento alla sua carriera da parte dell'associazione allevatori una coppia di vitellini R ed una di bovini adulti O.

Commentando il gioco con gli amici enigmisti, ho preso atto che Snoopy (D) non è del tutto d'accordo con me: secondo lui questo gioco dovrebbe essere illustrato e non si tratta propriamente di un verbis.

Grazie a tutti i brillanti solutori!!!!

Il gioco "interno" --> a Uto redi R, O manzi = autore di romanzi
Il gioco "principale" --> per D è rebus! = perdere bus
You have a problem with your brain: the left part has nothing right in it, and the right one has nothing left in it.
A PC is like a Air Conditionner: when you open Windows, it's useless.


You dont know what you're talking about, do you? - Anton Chigurh


Rugantino risolve solo il verbis "interno", mentre fabrizio80 risolve il "contenitore".
In due fanno una soluzione completa..... :wink:
You have a problem with your brain: the left part has nothing right in it, and the right one has nothing left in it.
A PC is like a Air Conditionner: when you open Windows, it's useless.


Anche il medico della Valpolicella, Kc8, risolve il gioco blu (ma non quello in nero....)

Alois li risolve entrambi (insieme ad ermengarda e bardo per il blu)
You have a problem with your brain: the left part has nothing right in it, and the right one has nothing left in it.
A PC is like a Air Conditionner: when you open Windows, it's useless.


fabrizio80 completa il lavoro.....
You have a problem with your brain: the left part has nothing right in it, and the right one has nothing left in it.
A PC is like a Air Conditionner: when you open Windows, it's useless.


You have a problem with your brain: the left part has nothing right in it, and the right one has nothing left in it.
A PC is like a Air Conditionner: when you open Windows, it's useless.


You have a problem with your brain: the left part has nothing right in it, and the right one has nothing left in it.
A PC is like a Air Conditionner: when you open Windows, it's useless.


chyara e marco risolvono il tutto.....
You have a problem with your brain: the left part has nothing right in it, and the right one has nothing left in it.
A PC is like a Air Conditionner: when you open Windows, it's useless.


You have a problem with your brain: the left part has nothing right in it, and the right one has nothing left in it.
A PC is like a Air Conditionner: when you open Windows, it's useless.


Immancabile cinocina, accompagnato da graal....
You have a problem with your brain: the left part has nothing right in it, and the right one has nothing left in it.
A PC is like a Air Conditionner: when you open Windows, it's useless.


jacknemo becca solo quello interno....
You have a problem with your brain: the left part has nothing right in it, and the right one has nothing left in it.
A PC is like a Air Conditionner: when you open Windows, it's useless.


Doppio colpo anche per Rincewind e umano!
Poi un altro solutore: ma ho cancellato il pvt e non ricordo chi sia.....
You have a problem with your brain: the left part has nothing right in it, and the right one has nothing left in it.
A PC is like a Air Conditionner: when you open Windows, it's useless.


Un singolo di shady e un doppio di jolie_biche....
You have a problem with your brain: the left part has nothing right in it, and the right one has nothing left in it.
A PC is like a Air Conditionner: when you open Windows, it's useless.


You have a problem with your brain: the left part has nothing right in it, and the right one has nothing left in it.
A PC is like a Air Conditionner: when you open Windows, it's useless.


All'egra brigata si unisce anche Mavale!

Domani la soluzione....
You have a problem with your brain: the left part has nothing right in it, and the right one has nothing left in it.
A PC is like a Air Conditionner: when you open Windows, it's useless.